The Power of Choice


          For the first time in nearly a century Illinois residents and small businesses served by a regulated electric utility have the opportunity to join together to get lower prices for their electricity supply. 

          You and your neighbors have the opportunity to save money on the
cost of your electricity supply. More than 2 million Illinois residents have already done so. A change in law              in January 2010 permitted community residents to                                              pool, or aggregate, their electric usage to seek                                                       competitive bids for lower prices on the open                                                         market. That law has driven down the                                                                  price of electricity*.

          We invite you to look inside
to learn more about “Municipal
Electric Aggregation.”

*Based on actual bidding under the program.
(Source: Illinois Commerce Commission, Plug In Illinois.)

for Competitive Electricity

Homeowners, Small Businesses now have choice of suppliers

Get Answers to Frequently Asked Questions*

Click links for answers to questions within each category below.

About Aggregation             Enrolling          Opting Out          Eligibility

Alternate Suppliers            
Billings              Service          The Contract

                                                More Information

*These answers generally apply to questions about municipal electric aggregation in communities served by the regulated utility Ameren Illinois.

Be alert for electric supply scams and slams

           If you receive a phone call, an email, or a visitor to your home offering a lower price for your electric supply, there are some questions to ask to help assure you are getting the best price for electricity and not becoming the victim of a scam or slam (a firm taking over your account without your permission). Click here






Paid for by Citizens for Competitive Electricity